Supercharged JIRA reporting using Google SheetsJIRA has a powerful builtin querying language, a reasonable Issues list view and useful export functions. It does however lack the…Jan 26Jan 26
A minimalistic approach to transparently translating your applicationTranslating an application is not trivial but it shouldn’t be complicated. Using existing tools, we can flag the text that needs to be…Nov 24, 2024Nov 24, 2024
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishGradual replacement of legacy web APIs using 404 responses and http-proxyRe-writing a legacy web API takes time and the exercise will probably span across several releases. We will most likely be facing a…Nov 6, 2024Nov 6, 2024
This is how Trello-like apps support offline data on ever-changing database schemasApps that allow users to generate data while being offline (Trello, for example) generally provide a better user experience. They must…Aug 7, 2024Aug 7, 2024
Adding type safety to fetch requests can be simpler than you thinkWriting a web app in Typescript provides type safety in both the client and the server but, what about the communication between the two…Jun 21, 2024Jun 21, 2024
Distribution of Typescript shared code without package repositoriesA couple years ago I wrote a piece about sharing code in Typescript monorepos, focusing mainly on npm workspaces, and I left out an…Jun 7, 2024Jun 7, 2024
A comprehensive WebRTC walkthroughWebRTC allows for real-time communication between two peers using only the browser’s built-in functionalities, with no need for a…Jul 12, 2023Jul 12, 2023
Inferring network requests’ return type: @express-typed-apiEven though choosing Typescript to develop an express web app provides type safety in both client and server, the network requests data…Jan 13, 2023Jan 13, 2023
Client/Server code sharing in Typescript monoreposWriting a web server on node.js means using the same programming languages on both sides of a web app. Which should allow for sharing a…Jun 27, 2022Jun 27, 2022
Published inGeek CultureFirst-class push notifications for Expo appsSo the time has come for your brilliant Expo app to start delivering push notifications. You’ve had a look at the multiple options…Aug 19, 20216Aug 19, 20216