Supercharged JIRA reporting using Google Sheets
JIRA has a powerful builtin querying language, a reasonable Issues list view and useful export functions. It does however lack the flexibility of aggregating fields in queries, customizing the list view or formatting the exported files. Features that we could easily implement in spreadsheet tools. If the mountain will not come to Muhammad… let the JIRA issues come to Google Sheets!

Let’s start with a simple use case. Say we want to calculate how many story points will be included in a certain release for a Kanban project. Imagine we use epics to group all the issues that go into a release; we can easily obtain the list of issues for a release using the JIRA UI, filtering by Parent and selecting the corresponding epic.

Summing the Story point estimate
values cannot be done from the JIRA UI however. We could certainly exporting the issues to Excel/CSV from JIRA and use some spreadsheet tool to perform operations on the data. It does the trick but it creates a one time file that will not stay up to date if the list of issues changes.
If we are interested in refreshing the data over time it is more convenient to go the other way around: dynamically importing the JIRA issues from the spreadsheet tool. For such purpose Atlassian created a Google Sheets extension that allows fetching issues directly into Google Sheets: JIRA Cloud for Sheets.
The app requires a JIRA account and is free to install and use. You can install it from the Extensions menu in Google Sheets and you will need to give it access to your Google Account. Technically, we will be allowing Atlassian to potentially remove all your spreadsheets on Google Sheets but, hey, who reads the small print, right? Once installed you will need to sign in to your JIRA account as well.

The extension adds the following window to your Google Sheets and it offers different mechanisms to import data. You can, for example, use the extension’s window to define the list of issues you want to fetch: which Projects to import from, some basic filtering (i.e. Status, Issue type, etc.), the sorting criteria and which fields to retrieve (it offers a complete list of the fields in your project 💪).

The extension also supports JQL queries, which allows filtering by custom fields or fields that are not present in the extension’s window. If, like me, you are lazy about writing JQL, you can obtain the corresponding JQL query from the JIRA Issues view and paste it in the extension window. The set of fields to retrieve is still selected from the extension’s window.

Note however that using JQL queries will wipe out the entire page every time we fetch the issues. Since we want to have formulas in certain cells in order to perform operations on the data, this is a deal breaker. Fortunately, there’s another way of fetching the issues: the JIRA function.

It can be used on any cell of the spreadsheet and it takes three parameters: a JQL query, the set of fields to retrieve and the maximum number of elements to fetch. It is the most flexible mechanism of the three, as it allows defining the JQL as a dynamic expression. Because the formula is defined within the spreadsheet, we can use string concatenation and references to other cells:

Note that the JIRA function needs to be explicitly enabled from the extension’s window for each spreadsheet and, once you do so, it will bind to your JIRA account for that spreadsheet (probably the reason why it is disabled by default). This means that anyone who can edit the spreadsheet will be able to import JIRA issues using YOUR account.

The list of issues can be refreshed from the extension’s window and, upon refresh, it will only modify the cells below the row and column where the function is used. We can therefore insert rows above and use them to perform operations on the data. For example, a simple SUM function on the Story point estimate
column. Future refreshes will update the list while maintaining our calculations up to date 👌

Additional advantages of the JIRA function is that we can turn the spreadsheet columns into a filter (i.e. Data > Create a filter) for easier sorting and filtering. We can also customize the view by insert new columns with transformed values coming from the JIRA query. For example, we can turn each issue key into a link to the issue by adding a new column and hiding the original one.

One final hack before you go. The list of issues will be refreshed every time there is a change in the function parameters. We can use that to refresh the list without having to open the extension’s window. For example, by manually changing the limit value. Or, if we want to get fancier, by adding an Apps Script that toggles the limit value every time we click on a drawing.